I'm still reading Becoming Jane Austen, and my Mom and Dad bought me Becoming Jane for Valentine's day! I watched it last night, as the second time I've seen it but the first since having started reading the book, and even though they had to use thier imagination with much of it, I believe they kept to some strong truths, they also kept in line with the feel of Jane's novels, which is, I do think, a very good way to fill in the blanks in her history that we do not know about. Also they dramitized parts that were more feeling and thought into action which is often the only way to convay such things in movies.
It has definatially made me want to reread Pride and Prejudice. But I am going to make my self wait until I finsh Jane's book. Also I have refreshed my desire to read Tom Jones. I tried reading it before but could not contenue for that manner in which it was written, but I do think that the library has it on CD and that will work very nicely indeed!